Sunday 7 October 2012

How i met your mother

Last week my company had a Family Day.

It was pretty much the same concept like last time we had it, nothing new changed. One thing i was thoroughly looking forward was Naif performing exclusively on stage. It was so good, that it completely took me off the topic that happened 2 days earlier.


Anyway, what was best was that we had this "Got Talent" competition where employees can perform anything they wanted to do in front of the stage, and it will be judged. Hell, i was going to chip in with ondel ondel breakdance, but decided to pull out because....well, ondel ondel isnt made very well for headspin.

*lo kira*

But my HR division managed to pull something out. We managed to motivate what was already busy employees to perform. Mind you, we only had few youngsters in our division. When i came back to Head Office like a month ago, everybody was buzzing about me playing a part in this drama thing in family day. I was gonna be the prince. My other mate is gonna become a transgender, and become the princess.

The premise is simple, me and him, center of the stage, just basically embarrass our ass off while everubody is dancing in the backgorund.

Sounds like a plan (--")

I was away on training earlier in the week, my mate went to another city to coach people, and our division hasnt done anything. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Not a script, not a plan, nothing. I safely assumed that it would be canceled.

Thursday i got back to the office, and was promptly given the task of being a DJ. Since i have done quite a bit of mixing, so i just went to my mantra of "How hard can it be?" and duly delivered a nice mix tape of scenes that we were gonna run through in the drama. Problem is, we had to record voice as well.

That thursday night was a farewell for my HR director. We duly went to the party, had dinner, drink some nice juices (seriously, nice. What up !) and then some of us went into a room to record our voices.

I settled in with silly accent from Daniel "katakan cinta" (anybody remember the dude?) for my part. While everybody just....well, chipping in with their silly stuff.

Had to work overnight after that to get all the mixtape and dialogue done, slept at 2 AM, and then practiced it with the division on Friday morning. 24 hours before it was gonna be performed.

The performance? well it went chaotic, as expected. The princess went ngesot, i went and impersonating Ariel singing (badly), and there were mixed up where me as a prince had to dragged the princess back to the stage because my mate ran off at the wrong time in the script.

It was hilarious. It was stupid. It was embarrassing, but we pulled it off. Rather nicely too.

The moral of the story is, never plan anything for this kind of thing. Just turn up to venue, ask "yep, so what do i do now?", do your worse, laugh, be a legend.

And that kids, is not how i met your mother.

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