Saturday, 27 August 2011

Travelling in Indonesia

Its just so happen that I like travelling. For me, the more messed up my trip is, the more challenging and fun it is.

I've been travelling a lot lately. A lot that if you accumulate the miles, I think it would be about the distance between earth and neptunus.

Well, not really. But anyway...

There are distinct differences about travelling in indonesia. You can either travel by plane, a train, or a bus. Here are my takes on them:

1. Plane
Plane is the most convenient way to travel, no doubt. You can book stuff via internet, swipe your card and walaa. Unfortunately, I'm not the kind of person who can stick around and look for the lowest airline ticket. I just couldn't be bothered. To me, its about just picking up the phone and order the ticket. Can't be bother bout selecting

Which is why I usually take plane on my business trip. Let's now see about the ambience. The airport is a funny place. Its this lifeless, structural chaos that instantly engulfed you when you are there. Plane late for half an hour? You will be pissed. You expect everything to be properly in order, and when it doesn't, you'll be pissed off. The ticket looks sophisticated, with boarding pass etc. Security is top notch. After all, it is expensive

The people who travel with plane are generally of the highest (or medium to high) kind of people in indonesia. They eat KFC like there is no tomorrow, and coffee feels like a must before every trip. Their clothes are a match, usually gucci and polo or some other things, or if I'm there, expect me to wear a t shirt only. As usual.

2. The train
Train is a mystical journey. Its the feeling of a fun, warm and bloody freezing (if you travel using dwipangga and such) that will greet you upon your trip. The station itself is a hit and miss affair sometimes. It can be a bloody mess, but its generally tidy.

The schedule of a train is a pain. Again, you will expect everything to be just in order. And since I think people catching train is the kind of people from medium level in Indonesia, piss off is always in order if a train comes late. The ticket looks like a hybrid between type pe writer and computer, nothing fancy. Security is kinda in between. You sort of feel safe, right until you lost something in front of your eyes when you are asleep.

3. Buses
This is the grandaddy of them all I think. Simply put, you can expect....nothing. Its not fancy, it will be late, the terminal is a mess, the ticket looks crap, but it all makes sense somewhat. After all, you pick chaos to ensued.

Who cares if its late, who cares if traffic traps you for 24 hours, buses is the most bareback, as true of an adventure you'll get.

Leave your preferences down in comment below. Cheers.
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Sunday, 7 August 2011

My take on Transformers 3

So last night i just saw Transformers 3. Now honestly, i've had the DVD copy for about 3 weeks or so but i just couldnt be bother to watch it.

Now lets get the most obvious thing out of the way first. The special effects were top notch. It just blows your mind really seeing all those carnage and robot transforming in all full details. Come and be careful not to drop your jaw on the floor.

Now as good as it was, the story was mediocre i think. It was setting up very well, but it just doesnt go to climax nicely. The ending and the road to finale in the movie was, crap at best.

Spoilers alert if you havent seen the movie.

3 things annoyed me:

1. Too much cheesyness

"oh my god i love you" is so unnecessary when the villain is about to blow up the earth/do something bad to it. You've got your full party ready to go and whoop some decepticon ass and all the Sam does is talk to his girlfriend trying to get the romance going.


Why cant Sam just go and say "Later hun, got some metal ass to whoop. DIE YOU F***** PIECE OF S*** DECEPTICON B**** ! ! ! ! " all while brandishing 10000 bullets of M16 ? i mean, was annoying back in those 2 movies before, hell it is still annoying till now.

2. Autobots is a d***

First Optimus was pissed for no reason to earth. Then Optimus trusted wrong Autobots, which ended up betraying everybody, and instead of trying to get everything right and kick some Decepticons butt, he just went:

"we'll be leaving"

leaving? seriously Optimus? yes of course it was all just a diversion and you came back like a hero, but isnt that a bit late after almost all the Chicago area were destroyed? after all those Billion of $ lost? even after he showed up (flew around like an idiot) and slain some Decepticons like a Rambo on a viagra, guess what he did? got himself in a tangle...and even called in his friend to set him free from the tangle.

Way to go Optimus.

In the end, it was nice though. Megatron came over and helped em out. Optimus then said thank you to Megatron by ripping his head and his spine from his body. Wow.

Autobots? i dont think they did anything really. The gang came late, brought no real weaponry, and all they did was getting captured. Gee. Didnt they plan anything while they were away on retreat? like lets say, bring lots of artillery and just rain the bullet from above to the decepticon below?

*bangs head to the wall*

3. Megatron change of heart

Megatron is a psycho. How come a girl who never speak to em before managed to convince him to do something serious is just....beyond me. I mean, cant we get a better script?

I rest my case

Friday, 5 August 2011

Filosofi sendok

Gua adalah orang yang males.

Males terutama dalam hal makan memakan. Hell, kalo baru males, gw bisa seharian lupa kagak makan.

Tapi yg paling males dari dulu adalah dalam hal bikin makanan. Entah kenapa dari dulu gw selalu prefer makanan yg udah jadi. Dalam artian, mendingan beli daripada masak/bikin sendiri.

Dulu gw 4 tahun ngekos di yogya. Selama itu pula gw tiap hari jajan makaaaannn mulu. Supermie, jajan. The panas, jajan. Kopi, jajan. Hampir semua yg gw makan itu jajan semua.

Fenomena sinting ini tercermin di kamar kosan gua di yogya. Selama ngekos gua cuma punya dispenser satu, itupun sharing ama temen gw. Nggak ada piring. Nggak ada mangkok, gelas, garpu, sendok, nothing. Kalo minum gw recycle lagi tuh botol air mineral jadi tempat minum.

Actually all this does make u wonder how the hell did I survived 4 years right? I'm amazed myself. Jawabannya cuma satu, Circle K depan kosan :p

Setelah skrg di jakarta, kamar gw ada semuanya. Well sekarang at least ada dispenser buat aer panas ama dingin. Gw pun mulai rencana untuk menggiat. Apalagi pas puasa ini, secara semua2 akan gw jabanin sendiri. Dulu pas di yogya 4 tahun diajak saur ama ibu kos terus :p

Gw mulai beli peralatan. Sendok, garpu, gelas, mangkok (lebih versatile daripada piring), koko krunch, susu dancow, mi instan, semua gw siapin buat apa2 tinggal seduh dan jadi.

Nikmat juga ternyata, kagak perlu2 lagi keluar kamar kos :D

Tapi kebahagiaan gw short lived. Seminggu masuk puasa, sendok gw ilang. Biasanya gw taro di atas koko krunch, skrg ilang tanpa jejak. Jatoh juga gak ada di bawah, keselip juga nggak, nggak ada di mana2.

Gw dongkol. Kenapa?

1. Tau gitu gw beli lagi tadi pas jalan di penville

2. Tu sendok adalah simbol.

Simbol? Iyah simbol. Emang lebay sih, tapi seumur idup ya oloh jarang bgt gw mau apa2 bikin sendiri, bisanya cuma beli doang. Tu sendok bikin gw beregerak, untuk nyoba hal2 baru.

Sepele mungkin bagi orang lain, apalah itu sebiji sendok. Tapi bagi gw itu monumental.

*bagi yang mau muntah, dipersilahkan*

Siapapun yg ngambil tu sendok pasti jenius. Ada PS3, ada duit cash yg gw tinggal, ada laptop, ada hp, yg ilang tetep cuma satu.


Its like, jleebbb, dalem kena ke gw.

Konyol sih, but yeah. You learn something new everyday, even from sendok.
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