Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Leap of Faith

Have you ever thought about the cause and effect?

Or the butterfly effect? Where even a small wing of a butterfly can contributes to the making of a tornado.

It’s quite weird where life can get you.

I was just a small boy, looking outside my train window on my way back to Newcastle on a train ride from Sydney. I still remember my exact thought from that moment.

“How the hell did I end up here?”

Almost 4 years, stuck in a someone else’s country, missing the comfort of home, missing the normal Indonesian peers, just practically feeling like an alien. Like that song, an Englishman in New York. Although in my case, the idiot in the land down under.

Another thing is, as I glazed upon that window, looking at the bushes that lies between Sydney and Newcastle is the thought on where im gonna be. What am I gonna turn up as.

Had I didn’t buy that old, banged up cricket bat that I saw in a garage sale, I would probably never play and love cricket. I would never learn how to be tough, gentleman, and an a**hole at the same time, all through that game. I would never learn that you can verbally abuse and make clever mark to piss somebody off. I would never learn that you actually allowed to illegally trying to kill the batsman by aiming the ball at his head, while apologizing like a gentleman when you hit one on his head and blood flows.

See, an a****le gentleman

I was a bit of an idiot, obviously, when I went back to the Indonesian education system. Its always me and my “whatever the hell I want to do” attitude, which didn’t go exactly well with my school then. They knew they can send me up to any English competition and I’d probably pick up a trophy from there. The problem was, my accent. I had a rubbish garbled Australian accent. The one where you speak but you don’t open your mouth. The other problem was with my careless attitude, they probably afraid if I drop the f* bomb on the jury if I lose.


Chances did come though, my friend got sick, and I was sent in as cover up. Only had 2 days to prepare, and I brought the trophy home. Soon after, lots of events, lots of trophies, and capped it off by winning the prestigious central java trophy.

Not bad for an idiot

Then (almost) comes the UNI year. Me and my friends always comes to lots and lots of tryout. Our target was simple. Get the questions for practice later, and collaborate to get the number 1 prize. Simple.

We ended up with lots of silly prizes for winning the tryout. Jumpers, flashdisk, blazers, all sorts of things. But there was one prize that I thought was the best of them all.

Free course to face the UM UGM trial

And I won that. I got it for free.

Had I didn’t collaborate to win it, had I didn’t come and actually being serious in that course, I’d probably never managed to end up in UGM.

Again, not bad for an idiot. I guess.

My company. This lovely company now. I only heard of the announcement of the opening for MT in this company through my friend. Which I then gave my student number, just my student number to my friend and she put my name in into one of the candidates. I didn’t even take note. I knew it was Nestle, but it was just one of those “yea yea yea, put it in” moment where you just feel no regret and say yes.

Look where I am now

Had I didn’t give my student number, god only knows where I end up.

Not bad for an idiot, really.

Which brings us to this moment of clarity, now.

Im not suppose to be here. I was supposed to be in Cikupa on September and October and then in Panjang in November and December, or leading a department in Kejayan.

None of it saying that I should be here, in Jakarta, amidst all this rainstorm, madness, and all this silly traffic jam.

Imagine there is this two parallel line of fate. I think I just made a jump from one, to the other. Such as the degree of change that im experiencing now.

Had I been somewhere in cikupa, panjang, or kejayan, it would’ve been a whole different story.

So why did I come here and triggers lots of changes around me? Why did I disturbed the balance of the universe? I may never know the answer, but I do believe in one thing.

Everything happens for a reason. And im believing the purpose of the God Almighty sending me here on this madness trip. I believe it’s for a reason. One reason.

None of this would happen, just purely because of the coincidence. Way too much coincidence for this to be not real.

I believe, it’s for the anomaly.

It is, for you.

*Free me, I’ll free you, I’ll free us from this world. We don’t belong here. It was a mistake imprisoning our soul* - Muse, Explorers

And among the thunderstorm in this arkadia,

Im back to work guys, bloody hell. This mind always wanders off every now and then (--“)