Sunday, 24 February 2013

The Last Page (part 1)

Okay, so i'll try to make this post as short as i can, purely because i cant stand typing on touch screen.

Do you know that time when something miraculous happens to you and you just couldn't even believe it?

Like something, that really really impossible to happen?

I guess dear God and the universe does works in their mysterious way. A way, that looks strange and odd to everyone, but is actually the best way that could ever happen to you.

And when i said the best thing that could ever happen to you, i really do mean the best

Out of the all best

I do have the blogpost that details our story, but i'll release that when the special day comes. As part 2.

I never been able to exaggerate anything, but if i really wanted to write the whole story, it would actually be an epic novel

Yes, some of you might have read my draft, i know. Shuushh :P

But the point is, you know it would takes a miracle for you to finally found the one. And God, this is a miracle indeed

Kid, this is finally, how i met your mother :)