"How did you end up there?"
To which I replied,
"It would be longer than the whole episodes of Harry Potter 7 if I have to tell you the story"
Now, as an HR, I would usually suggests people to go with their passion when it comes to looking for a job. There is no use applying for a job if you have no clue at all about it.
But then again, when I asked peoples, they usually know nothing about their passion. It is essentially a delicate thing. Take me for an example. I like traveling, cars, computers, video games, random oddities, and bit of writing here and there. Naturally, one of those passions supposedly will connect to your job. I still manage to keep all those passions in check all together.
But for passion that is specific for jobs, I would be such a bad example. Back then I use to just totally love video games. I swore to myself that I will someday create a game, become a programmer and all those whiz.
I did actually then learned programming. HTML back in year 8, skinning a winamp skin, learned bit of C++ logic and so on. When I came back to indonesia, in SMA I made a crucial choice of not actually picking IPA and instead went to IPS. The force of the dark side were stronger then :p
Which then shuts the door for me to go to university and studying computer stuff, effectively. But it doesn't matter, because computer and such is a hobby, so I just have to learn it on my free time.
So then I had to learn something and something new to prepared for University. I decided to learn how to write, how to speak in front of public, to go to Communication faculty just like what my mother does. In the end, the plan went ashtray because of my idiot tendency to try silly things. Back then I thought UGM only gives 2 choices, instead they gave me 3. Being not such a clever kid, I naturally think that there is no way I can make it to the 1st choices. So I put communication on number 2 and decided to put one of the highest pick up there, management.
Yes, just for the fun sake of it.
When the announcement came, it just totally shocked me that I have to go to Economics. Oh god. I wasn't really keen, but my parents were looking eager to see me try. Well okay....another passion needed to be pursued then.
Long story short, I studied marketing, taught bit of marketing (and HR), went to microsoft competition as marketing thing, and basically was all marketing.
Look where I am now? :p
So the trend is, I managed to drag myself out of my comfort zone somehow and still lives to tell the tale. Probably I'm gonna be a president or something in the future, you never knows
*yeah right*
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