Monday, 20 June 2011

Kebodohan malam ini

Seumur hidup gw selalu minta satu hal. Gw pengen tobat melakukan kebodohan dan hal2 konyol, pengen punya temen yang serius dan...yah pokoknya serius lah. Grown up thing.

Tapi sama aja, kemana aja gw berada pasti gw ketemunya orang yg dodol dan kocak2. Memang sudah takdir (--")

Temen gw malam ini, sebut saja si A. Dia anaknya emang kayaknya pendiem, padahal nyablak dan suka bikin humor2 goblok.

Malem ini gw baru pulang dan ketemu dia di tmpt makan. Datanglah lagi satu oknum lainnya, sebut saja si AH. Jadilah kami 3 perjaka pulang kerja dan sedang mengudap di warung pinggir jalan.

Kalo cowok2 ngumpul tentunya dan pastinya obrolan menjadi liar dan brutal. Tentunya tidak jauh dari seputar per-gadgetan dan....cewek.

*jreng jreng*

*efek dramatis*

It turns out that walopun udah lama tinggal sekosan, si A baru bbrp waktu yg lalu ketemu ama cewe yg tinggal di kamar no 5. Kamar yg gw tinggalin dulu.

Emang sih anaknya yg skrg di no 5 itu anaknya cakep, dan secara mereka emang2 sama2 dari Bandung, si A pun naksir. Bisa diajak pulang bareng katanya tiap minggu ke Bandung.

*selaen dodol dia memang sok romantis*

Mulailah kami ketawa2 dengan suara kencang sambil ngebicarain cewe....

Naturally, pembicaraan pun merembet. Kali ini membahas kamar nomor 9. Kalo kata si A sih "wah dia udah tua bal"

*tawa pun membahana"

Terus si A nambahin: "wah tapi dia gaul bal. Pas malem gw abis fitness, ada sepatu cowo di kamarnya"


Si A nambahin lagi: "pas gw pergi paginya, cowonya masi disitu. Baca koran"

Mulailah kami bertiga tertawa najis. Karyawan perusahaan minyak dan perusahaan susu ini memang sakit semua tampaknya.

Puas ketawa ngakak, gw pun bayar. Pas mau pulang, ada yang nyapa gw.

"Hey kamu"

Gw pun nengok. Mbak2 yg familiar dimuka gw. Ahh sepertinya kenal di kantor. Sampe gw sadar bahwa....




Gw pengen seluruh dunia membuka tanahnya dan gw pengen masuk ke dalamnya.

mbak2 itu adalah penghuni kamar 9

"Kok kamu nggak nyapa?" Kata mbak2 itu.

Gw udah meringis. Air liur menetes melewati hidung.

"Eee....tadi nggak keliatan mbak" jawab gw.

What else do you expect me to say?




Saat itu temen gw si A ngajak gw pulang. Gw cuma ngelirik si A dengan pandangan yang berarti:

"Do you know who the f* this is???"

Di jalan pulang gw cuma udah nahan ketawa. Gw panggil si A

"Bro, lo tau tadi sapa?"

Denag polos dia jawab, "sapa emangnya?"


*petir menggelegar*

Si A langsung menyumpah serapah.

Hell yeah, kita baru aja ketawa2 kenceng ngobrolin orang yang duduk satu meja disamping kita.

But wait, it isn't over...

Pulangnya kami bertiga mampir ke kamar temen gw yg katanya baru sakit. Kami semua emang satu kos (plus si mbak kamar no 9). Well kecuali si AH. Dia cuma figuran disini. LOL.

Sepanjang di kamar temen gw, kami bertiga cuma cekikikan aja. Temen gw pun curiga. Dia menghubung2kan cerita dan akhirnya memanggil si mbak kamar no 9 ke kamar dia.

Gw panik (+ ngakak)

Si A kabur ke kamarnya.

Si AH cengoh, tapi ikut kabur ke kamar si A.

Gw masi ketawa ngakak2 pas mbak kamar 9 dateng. Sakaw, temen gw tadi ngegedor kamar si A. Dibilang suruh kenalan.

Gw udah guling2 di lantai megangin perut.

God bless these people. Amin XD
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Monday, 6 June 2011

The childish thing

I always think of myself as an enigmatic person. Or sometimes you can say a bit childish.

Of course enigmatic and childish doesn't exactly correlate, sentences wise, but i just couldn't think of any more better opening lines :p

What im gonna do here is to start by a quote that i found some while ago. Couldn't quite recall where i read it from.

"The only things that separates man from boys, is the price of their toys"

Everybody can go nuts. That, to me is the exact truth and nothing but the truth.

The reason why im quoting that is because i have just bought this:

Which is a watch (obviously), but its not your everyday watch. Its an Omega. Its an Omega Seamaster. Click here for the spec on Omega site.

*yes its not the real one. Do you think i could really afford a $5000 watch?*

Now for those of you who dont know, that is the watch that James Bond wears. The one that hides a laser underneath, the one that has bomb under the hood, the one that has the detonator hidden in its screw thingy, the one that can be used as grappling hook and among some other things.

I am a big fan of James Bond movie ever since i was a kid. Obviously i grew up in Pierce Brosnan era, and the one movie that i watch so many times and never get bored of is the Tomorrow Never Dies. Story wise, it isnt that good to be honest, but from gadget wise, it was one of the best. If you cant remember which one it is, its the one movie where Bond drive his BMW on a car chase through parking lot and he drives the car from the backseat of the car using his Ericsson phone.

That image stays with me for a long time. I thought it was the best thing ever at that time. I was so impressed that when i grow up, i chose HTC Touch Pro 2 as my favorite phone because i just love the styling of it. *see the pattern?


What makes you people who you are today? i'd imagine some things you buy today resembles a lot from what you have in your childhood? ;)

I'll close this one off with another quote. This time from the head of coffee and beverages Nestle Indonesia.

"As a child/student, you always have the best time of your life. But you never have money"


Signing off now, take care...

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Trying the blogspot mobile

Here I am, god knows 11 PM, can't sleep because of a rainy nose.

Perfect huh? I'm gonna be running 10K on sunday and so far the preparation has been disastrous.

1. I've been eating bit too much
2. The only exercises I've done is walking in mall
3. I have a cold *snoorrrttt

Its not ideal, but come to think of it, I've never went to anything 100% prepared, so makes no difference nonetheless.

If this post works, expect me to write some short snotty stuff as I go along now. Whether it'd be the normal rambling, the f* up I made, or anything, it'll probably be updated here.

That is if I even bother typing on blackberry :p


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